Ms. Turnip Sprout, Our Official Store Mascot
Despite Turnip weighing just shy of a quarter pound, our store mascot is lionhearted and throws all 3.8 oz of her pluck towards making a difference in this world. She has many interests but is most passionate about local food production here in East Jefferson County.
We wish we knew Turnip’s secret to staying young. After more than a decade of tireless work, Turnip is as tiny, energetic, and impassioned about our Local Food Vendors, the environment, animal husbandry practices, and our wider community as ever. Whether through marketing, designing her line of Turnip Gear, or helping in the day-to-day running of the store’s Departments, she continues to lend a helping hand at every opportunity.
In her free time, Turnip loves the outdoors, boating, dancing, and taking road trips. She thanks Farmer John for her continued lodging and grubs.
Thank you, Turnip!