Corner Nursery
A radiant hello from the Corner Nursery! Home to a lush array of plants, seeds, soils, amendments, pollinators, pest control, and more, our plant-loving staff is eager to share their gardening experience and passion with you. Visit our grounds and greenhouse for all your organic growing needs. We get especially excited about bringing in plants that are native, edible, medicinal, deer-resistant, and/or drought-tolerant. Read below for the full scoop, updated weekly!
Nursery Update
Updated last on March 25, 2025
Hey, gardeners—spring arrives this week, and the nursery awakens out of its winter hibernation!
Soils, amendments, seeds, fruit trees, berry shrubs, native plants, spring blooms, herbs, asparagus crowns, seed potatoes & onions, and the first organic plant starts from Midori and Red Dog farms have all arrived, eager to find themselves new homes. For more verdant details, read “This Week’s Highlights’’ below. Or just come on in and see for yourself! The nursery is currently staffed 9-5, with knowledgeable staff, eager to answer your questions.
Soils and amendments: An extensive selection, freshly stocked. Don’t forget Alder sawdust and Acid fertilizer mix for your berry plants!
Seeds: Our several local seed vendors have all mostly delivered, so our racks are packed full.
Asparagus Crowns: Millenium and Purple Passion
Seed Potato and Onion Starts: All organic and WA-grown, we have 7 varieties of potatoes and 2 varieties of onions.
Red Dog and Midori Plant Starts: The first deliveries of these organic healthy plants have finally arrived, including early-season herbs, strawberries, peas, rhubarb, and assorted flowers. New this week: Lettuce mix, Mixed greens, Romaine, Spinach, Broccoli and Cilantro.
Bare-Root Fruit Trees from Biringer, Heartwood, and Burnt Ridge! We’ve got several varieties of Apple, Plum, Peach, Cherry, and Quince. The sizes of the trees and root balls are really impressive compared to last year.
Berries: Too many to list, including varieties of Blueberries, Raspberries, Currants, and several less common berries including Elderberries, Honeyberries, Hardy Kiwi berries, Gooseberries, Jujubes, Seaberries, Cranberries, and Pawpaws.
Exotic Edibles: Passion Flower, Yuzu, Myers Lemon, Almond, and Medlar.
Native Plants: Both potted and economical bare roots. An ever-growing selection. New this week: PNW Native Rhodys, Evergreen Hucks, Larkspur Nuttallii, Viola (adunca) and Wild Ginger.
Ornamentals: Spring ornamentals arrived—lots of amazing Hellebores, as well as colorful Euphorbia, Dianthus, Lavender, Camellias, Hydrangeas, Daphne, Gardenias, Anemones, Scabiosa, Asylum, Ranunculus, Pansies, Tulips, and Violas!
Herbs: Bay Laurel, Chamomile, Marjoram, Mint, Oregano, Sage, Lavender, Rosemary, and Thyme. Fun additions: Dwarf Curry, Sorrel, and the wonderfully fragrant Pineapple Sage.
Sequoias: Locally grown in Port Angeles by Crescent Moon Farm and Nursery, we currently have a forest of them. Walk amongst the giants!
LOCAL ORGANIC PLANT STARTS - Of all the plants we sell, we are best known for the huge variety of organic plant starts we get from Midori and Red Dog Farms. Midori specializes in edibles while Red Dog specialized in blooms, herbs, and medicinals. Over the course of the season, we offer well over 200 varieties! The early varieties begin arriving mid-March with the hot crops begin arriving sometime in April. Later in the summer we get a fresh flush of plants for winter crops. Midori is now growing their starts using local Saltwater Seeds so their plants are more adapted to our climate than ever.
FRUIT AND NUT TREES and BERRIES - Plant your very own "Food Forest"! Another focus of ours, in late winter we stock up big time with a huge variety of affordable bare-root fruit & nut trees, and potted berry bushes. We go for variety, including lots of unusual hard-to-find old-world fruits, and only bring in varieties suited to our area. Has pollination considerations scared you off? Fear no more! We are here to advise, and have make a point of bringing in varieties that pollinate each other.
PACIFIC NW NATIVE PLANTS - We are HUGE fans of NW native plants. Adapted over eons to our microclimate and evolved to feed the local wildlife and pollinators, you can never plant too many! We have a huge assortment to choose from, everything from ground covers to trees, suited to a variety of environments – wetlands to exposed dry areas. For a time-limited time in late-winter we offer very affordable bare-roots, perfect for restoration projects.
WOODLAND PLANTS - This is the Olympic Peninsula after all! We've got you covered with all sorts of fun ferns, ground covers, and more.
HERBS AND MEDICINALS - We always have "thyme" for you. What's a Food Forest and veggie garden without the herbs? In addition, thanks to Chimacum's "Friends of the Trees Botanicals", we offer a great selection of medicinal plants which are fascinating to learn about!
BLOOMS - Who doesn't enjoy blooms? And our pollinators rely on them. We make planting out your containers, beds, and hanging baskets easy with a great selection of flowers, potting soil, and even containers. If a fresh flower perennial cutting garden is more your thing, we've got you covered here too. There's a reason we can't keep the hummingbirds out of our greenhouse!
AND LASTLY... Our nursery buyers are avid plant enthusiasts. They can't resist bringing in their favorites and whatever else catches their eye. They are always on the hunt for landscape plants that are deer-resistant and drought-tolerant.
SEED PACKETS - In late winter, seeds arrive and announce spring! We are lucky to have fantastic local seed companies, and we're super proud of our local, small-farm, organic selection! Deep Harvest, Saltwater, and Uprising Seeds are here to provide all of our veg and flower seed needs with a combined total of nearly 200 locally adapted heirloom varieties. Friends of the Trees, a long-time local favorite, brought in a unique selection of medicinal and culinary herbs, while Inside Passage is providing us with hard-to-find Pacific NW Native seeds. For the rare gaps in availability, we have filled in with seeds from High Mowing Organic Seeds.
BULBS, TUBERS, CROWNS, AND MORE - Depending on the season, we offer a great selection of seed potatoes, onion sets, asparagus crowns, dahlia tubers, and spring flower bulbs.
SEED-GROWING "GEAR" - Check out our great selection of seed-starting support as well, from trays and pots to soil and fertilizers specifically for your tender little sprouts!
COMPOSTS AND POTTING SOILS - Our Cedar Grove compost, mulch, and potting soils are fully stocked, along with the popular and extra yummy biodynamic Seacoast compost. We carry Black Gold and Seacoast potting soils, Black Gold seedling soil and SunGro propagation mix, as well as all the materials you need to mix your own potting soil as well, like perlite, vermiculite, and coco coir!
ALDER and HEMLOCK SAWDUST - Alder sawdust is best for mulching blueberries. It helps create an acid soil environment. Layer on thick! Hemlock sawdust, which is less acidic, is an excellent mulch for fruit trees, veggie gardens, and in chicken coops. Mulching with sawdust helps prevent weeds, hold in moisture, and build soil tilth.
AMENDMENTS & GRANULAR FERTILIZERS - An extensive array of 31 organic-approved amendments and blends specific to our area, everything from Azomite to Sulfur, offered in pre-packed plant-based biodegradable clamshells and many in 25 and 50-lb bags. Gardeners stampede in for our popular "Chimacum Blend," an all-purpose fertilizer (now with the addition of mycchorizae) — perfect for local soils.
We carry Down to Earth organic fertilizer blends such as the Rose and Flower blend, Fruit Tree, and All Purpose and Bio-Live. We also have versatile Nutri-Rich Pelleted Fertilizer (4-3-2) in 50lb bags and smaller clamshell containers as well as composted chicken manure (25lb) for vegetables, flowers, shrubs, and lawns. Through mixing bulk items, we can cater to vegan gardeners.
LIQUID PRODUCTS - Along with our dry fertilizers, we offer liquid fertilizers for quick results: Liquid Fish & Kelp Fertilizer 2-4-1, Liquid Calcium, Liquid Fish & Kelp Fertilizer 2-4-1, Liquid Bloom 2-6-4, Oceanic Hydrolysate W/ Biochar, Eco Gold Liquid Bone, and Worm Tea Concentrate.
WORMS AND WORM CASTINGS - We’ve gotWiggler worms from Nine Hills Farm in Port Townsend, castings, and compost tea concentrates. Castings are the creme de la creme of compost; a little goes a long way! Packed with minerals essential for plant growth, castings are rich in nutrients and biota. Tea concentrates can be watered into the soil or used as a foliar spray and work as both a fertilizer and biological pest deterrent.
BIOCHAR - Getting new chicks or working with an old flock? Consider using Biochar to elimiate odor from Chicken Coops, ad/or and add to your active compost pile! Once charged, Biochar holds onto nutirents and water.
MYCHORHYZIALS - New this year we are carrying the Bigfoot brand of Endo and Ecto Mychorhyzials to please both your perennials and annuals.
Give these beneficial critters a home! They want out of our refrigerator!
RED WIGGLERS WORMS - Wiggler worms from Nine Hills Farm in Port Townsend, eager to get composting for you.
MASON BEES - Don’t forget to take care of our pollinators who need our help more than ever. We have Mason bees and tubes as well as wildflower mixes to bring pollinators and pest control to your garden naturally. Pollinator plants are specially marked to help you find them! Did you know that Mason bees are better than honey bees at pollinating your fruit trees and bushes?
BIOLOGICAL AMENDMENTS/ INOCULANTS - Just like building good flora in your intestines, it’s essential to build biological activity in your soil. We offer a variety of mycorrhizae options in granular and water-soluble to help support nutrient absorption, and reduce transplant shock. We also carry Bokashi (fermented compost) supplements for soil inoculation and increased beneficial bacteria in your garden and compost system.
INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT - How can you keep pests away without harmful pesticides? We’ve done the screening for you and only offer products that are safe for the soil and water – Sluggo, OMRI-listed Insecticidal Soaps, BT for disease control, and orchard/dormant oil.
BOOKS - Currently we stock two:
Vegetable by Vegetable A guide to gardening near the Salish Sea (written by our very own local farmers, Hanako Myers and Marko Colby of Midori Farm in Quilcene)
Maritime Northwest Garden Guide Planning Calendar for Year-Round Organic Gardening by Lisa Taylor and the Tilth Alliance.
GARDEN ACCESSORIES - Find a lovely variety of wood labels and staff-favorite tools. Grab a hori-hori knife to plant blooming bulbs and small plant starts. Make quick work of shotweed and chickweed using a Nejiri Gama hand hoe.
Open Daily 8-7: When not staffed, feel free to shop and take your purchases inside the store to pay.
Payment Options: The register in the nursery only accepts credit cards (including EBT for veggie starts) and checks. Customers are welcome to pay with cash inside the store.
Red Dog Farm (Chimacum)
Midori Farm (Quilcene)
Friends of the Trees Botanicals (Port Hadlock)
Saltwater Seeds (Chimacum)
Inside Passage Native Seeds (Port Townsend)
Heartwood Nursery (Port Townsend)
Shooting Star Farm (Port Townsend)
Deep Harvest Farm (Whidbey Island)
Froghill Farm (Port Townsend
Solstice Family Farm (Chimacum)
Moonsnail Botanicals (Marrowstone island)
Fleur de Luna (Eaglemount)
Space Twins and White Lotus Farm (Chimacum)
Crescent Moon Farm and Nursery (Port Angeles)
Sequim Prairie Star Enterprises (Sequim)
Tom’s Sedum Creations (Port Hadlock)
Salish Trees (Kingston)
Biringer Nursery (Mt Vernon, WA)
Northwoods Nursery (Willamette Valley, OR)
Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery (Gig Harbor)
Skagit Gardens (Mt. Vernon, WA)
Van Klaveren’s (Lake Stevens, WA)
Blooming Advantage (Cornelius, OR)
Youngblood Nursery (Salem, OR)
Burnt Ridge Nursery (Onalaska, WA)
Sky Island Farm (Grays Harbor)
Cedar Grove Compost (Seattle)
Down to Earth (Eugene, OR)
Concentrates (Milwaukie, OR)
Uprising Seeds (Bellingham)
Corner Pollination Guide - How to select fruit trees for cross-pollination.
PNW Native Plants Available - A complete list of native plants in stock at the Corner as of mid-February, 2024.
Pacific NW Planting Guide for Fall Harvest - Published by Deep Harvest Seeds.
How to “Soil Block” - We are big fans of planting seeds in “soil blocks” that don’t require plastic trays. Learn how here!
Our nursery crew is doggone knowledgeable too,
so chat ‘em up on your next visit or drop us a line with questions, requests, and friendly hellos! You can call the nursery directly at 360-732-3001 or send along a note to