Ms. Turnip Sprout, Official Store Mascot
Never underestimate anyone based on size, appearance, or species, for that matter. Turnip, the Corner Store's chick mascot, voted "most valuable employee 2022," is a case in point.
Small and downy outside, she is lionhearted inside and likes to throw all 3.8 oz of her pluck toward making a difference in this world. She has many interests but is most passionate about local food production here in East Jefferson County.
Her career trajectory has been unusually ambitious for a chicken, and she credits this to her earliest days at SpringRain Farm and Orchard. There, foraging the farm's fields for grubs at her favorite spot by Chimacum creek, she came to cherish Farmer John, her extended chicken family, and the organic way of life.
Chickens are notorious talkers, and with the many heritage breeds living at SpringRain, its water coolers are famous for their lively discussions. Turnip couldn't get enough, listening in on the cluck about worldly affairs. It was a good education. She learned much about the industrial food system and the horrendous conditions that many chickens endure.
Realizing her extreme good fortune living in Chimacum on a farm like SpringRain, Turnip vowed to make the most of her life and give back to her community however she could.
Discussing worldly affairs by the water cooler
Her first opportunity came out of the blue when a Getty Images photographer appeared at SpringRain looking for a willing chick to model with some eggshells. They liked that Turnip's mouth was always open, saying something interesting.
Turnip models for Getty Images
The photoshoot led to an online presence and connections, and the next thing Turnip knew, Chimacum Corner Farmstand reached out to her as they needed some chicks to model for a mural project. The store was about to open and they thought some cute painted chicks would attract customers. Turnip was all over the idea and brought along two of her cousins.
Turnip, looking a bit bossy, on the almost finished mural.
No sooner had the Corner Store finished its mural than it was time to place their first ad in the Port Townsend Leader announcing the grand opening. Short on ideas, they rang up Turnip yet again for assistance. Turnip was happy to help and suggested she hold a sign plus maybe say something.
The Corner Store’s very first ad in the Port Townsend Leader
This first-ever store ad was okay, whereas subsequent ads without Turnip were less so. People would ask, "What happened to the chick?" Turnip's talent and "can do" personality were becoming more evident by the day, and others were taking notice. Better act now! In one of the Corner’s most brilliant business decisions, they scooped in, offered Turnip a full-time marketing position, and the rest is history. Her official title: “Store Mascot.”
There was only one problem. Turnip didn't have a name (common with chicks), and every respectable mascot needs a name. A kid's naming and coloring contest got underway, and there were many great entries. Pearl suggested the winning name for Turnip – "Cracker." It seemed fitting at the time. The store sells many crackers, and chickens are a rather crackly bunch.
The chick names are announced
Pearl, now living elsewhere, recently traveled through Chimacum and stopped to visit the store. Her first question was whether we still called our chick "Cracker." It turns out we don't. In 2020 after the killing of George Floyd, "Cracker" got changed to "Turnip." Tolerance and social justice are core to Turnip's values, and the last thing Turnip wanted was a name that implied otherwise. New name, same fabulous chick. Pearl was very understanding.
Pearl shopping for Turnip Gear
And that brings us to today. We wish we knew Turnip's secret to staying young. After more than a decade of tireless work, Turnip is as tiny, energetic, and passionate about our local food vendors, the environment, animal husbandry practices, and our wider community as ever. Whether through marketing, designing her line of Turnip Gear, or helping in the day-to-day running of the store's departments, she continues to lend a helping hand at every opportunity.
In her free time, Turnip loves the outdoors, boating, dancing, and taking road trips. She thanks Farmer John for her continued lodging and grubs.
Thank you, Turnip!